4 ways to use Touch to Search on Chrome
3. Tap or hold down to get results.
When we say “press” on words, that means you can usually tap or hold-down on words to activate Touch to Search, so it’s simple for you to search in context. Recently, we standardized what happens when you tap and when you hold down, so you’ll get the same experience of Touch to Search regardless of which gesture you prefer. One caveat: There’s some sites on the web with unique interfaces which disable tapping words, so if you encounter that, try holding down instead.
4. Use more simple settings.
We want controlling your settings in Chrome to feel intuitive, so we updated Touch to Search’s settings to give you more fine-grained control over how you want to use the feature. Now when you enable “Include surrounding text in Google searches,” you’ll be more likely to get high-quality results – including through translations and definitions right on the page.