Take a step-by-step tour of your Chrome privacy settings
Your browser plays a big role in your online experience — including protecting your privacy. And in Chrome, we don’t take this responsibility for granted. That’s why we’ve made your privacy and security controls easier to understand, and today, we’re introducing our latest tool to help you continue to protect your privacy while you browse.
Developed at the Google Safety Engineering Center (GSEC), Privacy Guide is a step-by-step guided tour of some existing privacy and security controls in Chrome — so you can make and manage the right selections for you in one spot.
When you navigate through Privacy Guide, you’ll learn about the benefits, trade-offs and privacy implications of each setting so you can easily understand what happens when a particular one is on or off. To start, Privacy Guide will include controls for cookies, history sync, Safe Browsing, and Make Searches and Browsing Better. As we receive feedback from the community, we may add more settings to the guide over time.